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Pylontech H48050 2.4 kWh module

1 318.56 
1 072.00  bez DPH

The reliable and powerful Pylontech H48050 faucets are characterized by their modern design and great functionality. The advantage of LiFePO technology is its resistance to thermal leakage and maximum safety. Pylontech’s high-voltage batteries are particularly suitable for large photovoltaic power plants. The compact and sophisticated device is easily expandable, allowing up to 15 batteries to be connected in series. Pylontech LiFePO4 batteries are compatible with high voltage inverters (GoodWe, Solis), which is used for large PV plants.

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Detail produktu

High voltage battery
More than 5,000 charge cycles with 90% depth of discharge
Modular design gives the end customer a choice of capacity
Flexible voltage range from 150 VDC to 1000 VDC
CAN and RS485 communication
A system based on storing batteries in containers or in technological seagulls

Ďalšie informácie
Table Header
Sieťové napätie
Hmotnosť 24 kg
Rozmery 44 × 39 × 10 cm
Možnosť inštalácie
Súbory na stiahnutie

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