Household photovoltaics are an ideal way to reduce your monthly electricity costs and help protect the environment at the same time. By using photovoltaic panels, households can produce their own renewable energy and become more energy independent. Investing in photovoltaic systems not only saves money, but also increases the value and environmental profile of your home.
Photovoltaic panels will significantly reduce your monthly electricity costs by producing their own energy from a renewable source.
Saving on electricity
Photovoltaic panels will significantly reduce your monthly electricity costs by producing their own energy from a renewable source.
Photovoltaic panels have a long lifetime and require minimal maintenance, which means less worry and expense in the long run.
Long service life and low maintenance
Photovoltaic panels have a long lifetime and require minimal maintenance, which means less worry and expense in the long run.
Generating energy from photovoltaic panels produces zero greenhouse gas emissions, which is environmentally friendly and helps to combat climate change.
Environmental sustainability
Generating energy from photovoltaic panels produces zero greenhouse gas emissions, which is environmentally friendly and helps to combat climate change.
A house with photovoltaic panels can have a higher value on the real estate market because potential buyers are often willing to pay more for a house that is energy efficient and has low monthly utility costs.
Increase in property value
A house with photovoltaic panels can have a higher value on the real estate market because potential buyers are often willing to pay more for a house that is energy efficient and has low monthly utility costs.
Photovoltaic systems allow individuals and companies to become partially or fully independent from traditional electricity distributors.
Independence from energy distributors
Photovoltaic systems allow individuals and companies to become partially or fully independent from traditional electricity distributors.
Delivery of works including
auxiliary material
Rely on our installers, like hundreds of customers before you. Thanks to our many years of experience, you can be sure that the system will be fine-tuned down to the smallest detail, so that every kW of energy produced is used efficiently.
Power 2x22kW AC
Output 22kW AC and 2x60kW DC
Power 50kW DC
Power 2x11kW AC
Power 2x22kW AC and 50kW DC
Power 2x22kW AC
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0908 20 20 22
[email protected]
MARTEL Sminn s.r.o.
Robotnícka 9719/33
036 01 Martin
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